Saturday, February 20, 2010

San Francisco Days, San Francisco Nights

Alright folks!!! So finally, my SF blog...basically the trip was a huuugggeee success, with some minor glitches. Depending on what I mean by "minor" (what do I mean?). But anyways...Sylvia slept over on thursday night and we got up early the next morning (6-ish? ya that's early, though according to Kyle, not so much hehe), and got ready and I made some sandwiches for the trip and such. We left around 6:45ish and made our way to the I-5 near villa de la valle after filling my car with gas. The drive through L.A. was nice, since there wasn't too much traffic, and I drove most of the way...until around Santa Barbara or so...but then I start feeling baaadddd. Like terrible stomach cramps if you catch my drift, and Sylvia had to drive for a while.

But eventually I took over the wheel, and when we were in San Jose, I drove around ghetto San Jose State to check it out while she was sleeping (definitely do NOT want to attend that joint). Then we went over to Santa Clara University where she wants to go to school next year and walked around, though fearing we would see one of the many a-holes--I mean, people we knew who went there. We walked through the buildings and classrooms, the church, and some pretty courtyards. I remember how much I loved the school and how it was essentially my dream school. It hit me harder than I thought it would, but I have yearned to go to a school like that for so long. But alas, "there are dreams that cannot be."

After walking around beautiful SCU, we made our way into San Francisco finally!! I love entering San Francisco. It's how I fell in love with the city in the first place. But ya, we got there later at night, not too late, but later, and we checked into the Carlton on Sutter and went out to Fisherman's Wharf to find food. And we ate at Boudin's! The super yummy sourdough bread bakery and cafe(they make bread in the shape of alligators and crab and stuff! pretty neat.), and went to get shakes and fries at In N' Out. Before that, we walked around the shops and enjoyed some of the music and goofy homeless people. I bought a 10 dollar tote bag that had the city of San Fran on it and said "San Francisco". How cliche of me. Oh well, my other one broke, so I got a new one, as expected.

The next morning we got up and drove to Union Square, which was totally not ideal and was silly because we realized later that we could have walked there, but oh well. Sylvia, as expected, spent about an hour and 45 minutes or so in Zara haha. And don't get me wrong, I spent some time in there and bought these awesome half sandal-half boot shoes, but I wanted to go see other stores, so I ended up going to like 5 the entire time Sylvia was still in Zara. Hah, I went to this secondhand store, and I asked the guy there "is this stuff secondhand?" and he goes "ugh, its vintage". Oh San Francisco gay men who work at expensive thrift stores...and I went and bought Kyle a super cute card for V-day(which I haven't sent because I keep freaking forgetting dammit!) with olives on it that have hearts where the red part is :D!

Anyhew, Sylvia came to meet me later, and we walked up to Chinatown and the Old St. Mary's Church, where we walked around inside for a bit. I lit a candle and we sat there for a while, and walked out. It really is a beautiful church. If I lived in San Francisco, I'd be there all the time. After we got out, we took some pictures and walked around Chinatown. Sylvia bought fireworks(I know random right?), and we both bought those cool metal koi fish things they always sell there so we could put them on necklaces (and she actually ended up buying some beads), and I bought a suuper cute trolley car charm :D. After we walked around for a while, I decided it was time to go to USF and take a look around there (I was still waiting to see if I got accepted again, and when I got home, I found out I did! yay! oh dear..this makes my life soo much more complicated now).

We drove to USF (and we had the garmin gps with us the whole time, mind you) and walked around the whole campus (thought I couldnt see the design department because it was saturday and everything was closed). We managed somehow to get into the classrooms on Lone Mountain and they were really nice and the view from the windows was amazing! Gawwdd, I hope I can go there again. What am I doing with my life...ugh. Sylvia really liked it, so I'm hoping she'll apply if she still can.

After USF, we went to Haight/Ashbury (we parked down the street from USF and walked by all the pretty victorian houses and a grassy park at an intersection, and passed one of the campus for SF city college :D) and neither of us had been to haight, but it was awesome! We went into some boutiques and had dinner at the Squat and Gobble. We went to So Good, that jewelry place they also have in SD with a bunch of every kind of jewelry. After haight, we went to Castro....

...where some shit went down. But before we get to that, let's talk about the walk through Castro. We went by Hot Cookie, where I almost bought Ive(a friend) a very unique and special cookie that I cannot mention the shape of, but refrained. We also went into some other interesting shops, and looped around until we came across a certain bar frequented by certain people who are common in the Castro. We walked in pretty early, so there weren't any bouncers, and Sylvia managed to get us both drinks (I had a beer, mothership to be exact, and she had a long island). We met some fun people and hung out with them for a while, until I figured it was time to go. And by that I mean Sylvia was a bit too happy and I had to walk her around for the rest of the night and had a little freak out sesh with Kyle on the phone trying to guide me through this interesting experience. And I'll just say that my car smelled pretty bad afterward. And as Forrest Gump says, "that's all I have to say about that".

But in the morning, things were better, and I had memories of my first partying experience in San Francisco, and a very hung over friend. And it was valentines day! and Kyle ordered Sylvia and I really scrumptious breakfast (extra bacon and all!) and it was super sweet of him and it made my day! But the fun ended when we had to go find the parking garage I had left my car in the previous night. We searched for, if I am correct, more than two hours for the damn garage but finally ended up finding it (and learning our way around union square!) and heading home.

but oh boy, what a trip! It truly was a success, and a learning experience, and I had a blast! I didn't want to come home. And I still wish I were up there just hittin' up the streets of SF and doing my thing.


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