Tuesday, February 2, 2010


So today was really kind of a shitty day. I have no idea why, but I woke up feeling like crap because of all of the stuff going on in my life right now. But at least it was Kyle and I's 3 year anniversary! Which is amazing and exciting...except that he didn't even text me until the evening...to ask why I wasn't answering his skype calls. Which prompted me to tell him a few things...but anyways..I was at Macaroni Grill at North County Fair with Ashley to sort of celebrate her b-day, which was pretty fun...and also included a surprise guest...Krista Krause! A friend of a friend of a friend (her dad Greg works with Kyle's dad, really nice guy, really nice family, and Krista and her sis' are awesome :D), She had apparently been working there for a couple of months and she came to talk to us.

Now at Macaroni Grill, the waiters and such will sing songs to the customers, and Krista told us they were also supposed to go from table to table asking if they could sing that table a song. And I had heard about Krista's voice, and she asked if we'd like to hear a song...and we heard I Dreamed a Dream from Le Miz (I picked the song hee hee) and it was so pretty! She had a lovely voice, and throughout the night I asked her to sing other songs. It made my day. It really made my day. With the exception of a fun night out at dinner and my sculpture class, that was the only thing today that made it worth getting out of bed.

and the ciabatta bread.


P.S. If you ever read this Kyle, I love you.

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