Sunday, September 12, 2010

Genoptix, Inc.

So for this past summer I worked for a biotech company called Genoptix, Inc., the company of a good family friend. I took on clerical work for the majority of my time there, which was alright most of the time...however, I also worked on some designs for them! I actually got to sit in my cubicle and work in illustrator and photoshop for a couple of days doing different event posters and designs :) which often proved difficult. Though I love art and design, I have wrangled with the idea of me not being the best at it because I lack a strong ability to draw. But recently, with some advice from good friends and artists, I have more confidence to pursue design and see where it takes me! Here are some of the things I created for Genoptix:

I still need ALOT of work with typography and other areas, but I hope I can learn to be a better designer through my classes at UC Davis and of course, more experience!

And speaking of, I am quite excited for my big move (taking place early tomorrow morning) to northern california! Spending some time in San Francisco, the loveliest city on earth, and various places throughout CA will help kick off a new adventure for me outside of San Diego.

So I'm off to Norcal!

-Pretty Pidjun

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

For Guys, Gals, and Everyone Inbetween

So looks like we'll be hearing some wedding bells ringing soon! Congrats everyone!

"I have a dream...we're gonna work it out..."


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Tiel Time

So here are my designs for my final project for illustrator:

The idea was to create a design for a product, so I chose the random product of fictitious bird shampoo, conditioner, and bath bubbles. I had to put them on actual bottles and boxes, which did not turn out as wonderful as I had hoped, but I like the designs anyway!


No Time

So besides school, work, and more school, I have been doing...absolutely nothing. I lie, I have been trying to hang out with Kyle (who is finally back from Russia!!) as much as I can, which is proving difficult, as I have been swamped with homework and projects. I suppose I bit off more than I could chew this summer while attempting to be productive and get ahead in school. But in actuality, work sas taken my attention away from studying and I have fallen short of my usual "good" study habits. Which is why I will probably not get an A in econ or illustrator. Which sucks and it is my fault for being retarded. But at least I learned to use illustrator (though I could use more practice with it...and photoshop for that matter.) and designed some stuff for my portfolio. And at least I got through microeconomics and was introduced to the boring subject matter that will occupy my brain (that is, if I choose to minor in business econ after all...) for the next two years. So these two classes weren't for nothing...

In other news, I am quite happy that Kyle is finally back at long last from his research trip in Russia! He arrived sunday and I have seen him almost everyday since. He brought me lunch today for the first time ever (in college anyway :P) at school after my final critique for illustrator and I ate on the grass with him for the first time at Miracosta! My first and (hopefully) last time eating on Miracosta grass was with Kyle...something I had wanted for a long time. I can't believe my time there has come to an end...

But anyways...after, I attempted to complete my final econ test (which I should be working on right now), but failed and went to visit Kyle at work :P...I went to dinner tonight also (hadn't done that in a while) with my mom, Soheila, and Shoka which was pretty chill. Hopefully I can hang out with everyone before they leave for college! I don't leave for Davis until around the 15th of September, so I'll be in here in SD for a while all by my lonesome.

Hopefully things will settle down in my life, just for a while.


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Dare To Be Different

So this is my first illustrator project that I turned in and got critiqued today! Don't pay attention to the drop shadows. I had to keep them there because I couldn't get rid of them. Other than that, I'm not much for the font I chose for "to be". And other than that, I love my birds! and my utensils.

Get the message?


Monday, June 28, 2010

Decor in Time

Somewhere in the depths of my laptop lay a folder filled with different items I would like to buy or find something similar to in order to decorate my room for this coming quarter. I have been looking forward to decorating an entirely new space for some time now, as I have lost all hope with my current room, where I have resided for many years. In fact, every week for the past two years I have searched and compared different decorations including bedspreads, lamps, sheets, rugs, pillows, dressers, and the like. And through doing this I have found a subconscious love of interior design within me. Or rather, it is a personal fetish. So I would like to take up some space here and show you all what I have come up with so far. I finally found a wonderful tufted pillow at urban outfitter's which is currently sitting on my bed, and on a whim I found a beautiful floral print Ralph Lauren bedspread!! What luck :D I have also found some items at the Goodwill (I loooovvee thrifting for home goods) that I have yet to take pictures of but will post in time! Some of the items below are those on my wish list. Though they are also tentative:

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Random Times, Random Pics

North Park Art Festival! Good food, ok art..and some ghetto streets...

My 20th B-day party! A small party with some of my closest friends and family! I really could not have asked for more, I had a great time (though the presence of Kyle would have been wonderful!)

It seems the seahorses at the Birch Aquarium don't do well with flash photography. Every time I took a photo, they would become dazed...and confused. So no more flash on seahorses...

I'm not much for Mexican food, which seems to be Socal's staple food...and beloved by most of the Socal kids...but wherever there's great Mexican food, there are great fajitas. About the only Mexican food I sit well with. And plus, Old Town is always fun...lots of culture...and plants to take pictures of to practice with my Nikon!