Sunday, January 31, 2010

Winter in Julian With Eilene

Julian! One of my favorite destinations, and unique to the county I inhabit! One of my best friends (Eilene) and I drove up there to see the snow and eat pie. Well, mostly to eat pie, which is our usual impetus for going. But we really did want to see snow, but when we got there, there was no snow...only dirty clumps of the snow that remained from the snow they had a week ago. Snow. Snow....snow.

At least we had another great day up there, as is usual for us. We met a lady with two gorgeous chihuahuas and she turned out to be a local artist...we ate amazing food at a cafe we had never been too and I bought some antique sheet music for Kyle's younger sister. And of course, we had delicious Julian pie and milk, which Eilene spilled on her tray and sucked up with a straw. I also managed to buy myself a very pretty antique necklace and also...a stuffed buzzard. At the bird store. I have a problem ok? I love birds and stuffed animals. Which include stuffed buzzards. Let's hope Kyle doesn't kidnap this one like he did with the hummingbird. ahaha.


P.S. we saw a dancing tomato in Ramona.

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