Friday, January 22, 2010

Rollin' Down the River

So this is definitely my dad's car, the 3d he's drowned in a body of water. It's become the story of his life haha. There's a bridge near our house that literally goes through a forest and floods when it rains super hard. And man, SoCal has been hit HARD by storms during the last week. Or "hard" for all of you folks out there who live anywhere else but here where the weather is actually bad. We're southern Californians. We're not used to this sort of thing. But anyway, my dad ran into the house last night yelling "I got the car stuck in the river!!!", half excited and half annoyed, which is typical of him. He's like a big kid.

 This particular car was one of my's a 1998 Toyota Land Cruiser, and we've had it since that year. And now its gone. Sort of. It's actually in our backyard sitting there, drenched in water and mud. Anyway, I'm not sure who got it out, but his best friend was there with him (pardon me, he's a big kid with his best friend who is also a big kid. two big kids + a car + a river + I know I can make it through this river = floating car in river), so I know he helped and I know his wife called a tow truck.
R.I.P. Land Cruiser. You were a faithful vehicle.


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