Sunday, January 31, 2010


Sometimes I feel like if I don't have pictures, my posts wont be interesting to people. Maybe that's just me.

Winter in Julian With Eilene

Julian! One of my favorite destinations, and unique to the county I inhabit! One of my best friends (Eilene) and I drove up there to see the snow and eat pie. Well, mostly to eat pie, which is our usual impetus for going. But we really did want to see snow, but when we got there, there was no snow...only dirty clumps of the snow that remained from the snow they had a week ago. Snow. Snow....snow.

At least we had another great day up there, as is usual for us. We met a lady with two gorgeous chihuahuas and she turned out to be a local artist...we ate amazing food at a cafe we had never been too and I bought some antique sheet music for Kyle's younger sister. And of course, we had delicious Julian pie and milk, which Eilene spilled on her tray and sucked up with a straw. I also managed to buy myself a very pretty antique necklace and also...a stuffed buzzard. At the bird store. I have a problem ok? I love birds and stuffed animals. Which include stuffed buzzards. Let's hope Kyle doesn't kidnap this one like he did with the hummingbird. ahaha.


P.S. we saw a dancing tomato in Ramona.

'A Few of My Favorite Things'

So I'm a stuff person, I make stuff, I buy is the bike I bought not too long ago. Her name is Liesel. I recently bought a wicker basket for her with this cute flowery basket liner in it, but I'll have picture of that later. Liesel and I are a great pair. She gets me from A to B, meaning from the pier in Pacific Beach to the parking lot of the Wave House and Belmont Park.

We go up and down my street together several times a week...and we've gone bike riding with Kyle and his family near Lake Hodges. It's a wonderful life for Liesel and I, and since I bought her, I always feel so free! I even rode to downtown  Rancho Santa Fe to get a strawberry Italian cream soda...that's how free I am.

Now this next beauty is one I created myself. As I mentioned, I make stuff too...birds and oddities in particular. I began sewing them for my boyfriend (Kyle) before he left for college and this one is the latest. I made it for him for our 3d year anniversary (:D) coming up this Tuesday. I sent it on Friday, so let's hope he likes it! Though he already Twitter stalked me and found I made a bird. But he doesn't know what it looks like so HAH! But ya...I call her the Special Edition K+B 3d Year Anniversary Egret, modeled after the egrets in the San Elijo lagoon and near my house.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Beautiful Blue

Got this beauty at Bon Bon in Solana Beach yesterday...the blue is beautiful! My mom and I stopped by to say hi to Jack Clifford's mom, an old classmate of mine. She was super chill as usual, and we all just talked about school and stuff. And I got a discount on the candy dish :D. I don't know what to put in it, it's kinda just nice as is. Maybe cough drops?


Miracosta College Hour

So as a new senator in my college's ASG (Associated Student Government), I have been assigned to design flyers for our "College Hour", where the ASG gives out free food and drinks and provides music every thursday at noon.

Here is my first flyer, which will be posted tomorrow around the smaller campus in San Elijo. And thank God for Ana for giving me the job! She told the ASG that I was a design major and now I have this gig! saaweeeet


Friday, January 22, 2010

Rollin' Down the River

So this is definitely my dad's car, the 3d he's drowned in a body of water. It's become the story of his life haha. There's a bridge near our house that literally goes through a forest and floods when it rains super hard. And man, SoCal has been hit HARD by storms during the last week. Or "hard" for all of you folks out there who live anywhere else but here where the weather is actually bad. We're southern Californians. We're not used to this sort of thing. But anyway, my dad ran into the house last night yelling "I got the car stuck in the river!!!", half excited and half annoyed, which is typical of him. He's like a big kid.

 This particular car was one of my's a 1998 Toyota Land Cruiser, and we've had it since that year. And now its gone. Sort of. It's actually in our backyard sitting there, drenched in water and mud. Anyway, I'm not sure who got it out, but his best friend was there with him (pardon me, he's a big kid with his best friend who is also a big kid. two big kids + a car + a river + I know I can make it through this river = floating car in river), so I know he helped and I know his wife called a tow truck.
R.I.P. Land Cruiser. You were a faithful vehicle.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Because Backyard Birds Get Cold Too...

So I was looking for bird pillows online and typed in "bird" in the search engine at this is what came up. It's a bird bath that heats up! It just cracks me up, I can't imagine that too many people care that the birds in their backyard are cold are not, haha but this is seriously hilarious! And I'm sure it's clear that I love birds, but a heated bird bath for random birds that can take care of themselves is just too funny.

I suppose this is an alright product for an extreme bird lover, but even they know that birds are not retarded and can warm themselves up on their own.

It's called flying South for the winter.


Clouds in My Coffee

The days go by so quickly. My favorite person on the planet is leaving soon. and I don't know where I'll be. Probably wandering around alone a lot like I do. Just trying to get through school and keep up with my responsibilities. Maybe a few rendezvous' with Eilene. But I'll be wearing flannel and riding my bike with my head up in the clouds...dreaming of San Francisco, and making my way over to Dallas soon.

"I had some dreams, they were clouds in my coffee, clouds in my coffee..."


"Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?"

"Does anybody really care?"

Listening to Chicago and new music. New music=happy day.

In other news, I need to buy Kyle a b-day present. What I had in store previously will have to wait until our 3 year anniversary coming up soon. It will be quite awesome...and very cute!

Other than that, I'm going to go ride my bike, Liesel.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010


So much for salsa-ing tonight...partially happy about not going, and partially disappointed. Dancing scares me and my stomach took a beating today. But it would've been a fun, cute night for Kyle and I....

....feeling kind of blah right now. I guess I'll head over to P.F. Chang's for Amanda's bday.

Tijuana Tales

So today I accompanied my mom and my grandma to tj so she could be with my grandpa at their new apartment and so that we could spruce it up a bit. I got to see my grandpa for the first time in like a year, which was cool, and he seemed pretty happy to see me too. The rest of our time there was spent just trying to make the place more homie (is that how you spell it?), aka getting my grandpa cable so he could watch the chargers play and watch soccer games such. and getting groceries.

Oh and I must say, I quite enjoyed helping them organize their closets and linen and such...haha, at one point I was folding towels and stacking them on shelves, all the while singing "Cook With Honey" by Judy Collins, to myself. It was totally cliche, I had to laugh at myself, and then I know? I may actually be a good homemaker one of these days. Not in the sense of a housewife....obviously. let's assume that. but when I start making enough of my own money to buy or rent a place.

I can't wait for that day! I need a place to put all of the shit on the shelves in my room. Maybe I'll just give some of it to my grandma?


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Chicken Purse

I MUST have this chicken!!! It's so sweet and cute and little...and it's a Louis!

So I've been dying to put this beautiful little coin purse up, one I discovered thanks to my friend Eilene who emailed me a picture of it and others like it in the Louis Vuitton Spring 2010 line. It's freakishly expensive, but there are ways around this. It's called super-a and it lives right down the street from the I-805 on Balboa Avenue.

What would I do with such a small chicken purse? Well strap it on to an actual bag I suppose. Who doesn't want a rooster keychain on their bag? I certainly do. If only it were an actual bag that was useful.


The Museum and Some Show Pigeons

The museum was awesome! In my opinion anyway...well also in Kyle's siblings' opinions (I think?). Which makes it clear who the odd man out was here...but was awesome! They had so much stuff! They had a giant whale you could smush paint all over (so much better than a car. though that would have been sick too.), and these cool chariots you could ride around in and a trojan horse with two heads you could climb inside and birdhouse making and bubble machines and monster pillows and bouncy tunnels and whale and sheep figures and turtles shells and a climbing wall and aefdkalfheowffihfksfsdfhjkdhkahj. That's how much stuff they had. But ya, it was basically a really fun interactive place to take kids.

I'm never going to grow up. I've made my decision. It's too much fun being a geek.

Then later in the day Kyle took his sister and I to their g-parents house to see his grandpa's show pigeons! Which was just lovely and makes for an appropriate blog post. I am a pidjun after all. We arrived too late for him to show us how they fly through the air in unison and barrel roll though...oh well, maybe next year folks. But we did get to hold them. Later in the evening I met his great grandma(can you believe it? He still has two living great grandmas!) and his great aunt...and we had a convo about frisco, which is ALWAYS music to my ears. Ahh, sweet San heart is lighter when I think of the city.

To end the day we went and hung out at Kyle's until he took me home and went off with his buddies to see a movie I had never heard of which stars some lovely actors...

how have I never heard of The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus?


And We're Off...

So I'm about to be picked up by my boyfriend, Kyle, who has his little brother Donald in tow, to go to the San Diego Children's Museum. Last night at his house, we competed against each other by pitching to Donald our idea of what was the best museum to go: the Children's Museum or the Midway museum. I won. And being the big kid that I am, I am quite excited to see what this place has to offer! Apparently you can smush paint all over an old volkswagen beetle!

We'll see what else there is in store...


Monday, January 11, 2010

Unknowingly Returning to Blogspot

So apparently, I had a blogspot account and forgot...which doesn't surprise me, seeing as I somehow manage to create accounts for various other websites in hopes of being sucked further into the internet and what is has to offer my mind. Or what is has to destroy it. But anyway, this is my first blog post...
