Wednesday, March 31, 2010

On a Clear Day I Can See Forever

Since I've been here at this university, mozying my way throughout its campus and talking to all of Kyle's friends, I feel as though I have found a partial answer to a pressing question. What would make anyone want to come to a place like the University of Dallas? A tiny, conservative Catholic college in a less than ideal neighborhood and a population of students who prefer to stay on campus rather than venture out into the city of Dallas. Getting to know everyone here has taught me just that. They're here for the community. They're here to focus and make something better of themselves, and find others willing to do just the same. I realize now that despite the fact that I would not want to live in the heart of Texas, going to a school like this somewhere else would be quite pleasant. I've talked and hung out with the people here as much as I have with Kyle, and they are all such nice people. All of them, I haven't met one who isn't kind. They laugh and they study and help create a sense of community on campus. And though there are many student who, and as I have been told, need to escape this UD "bubble" every once in a while, it's still a nice place to be.
And thought some of why people come here perplexes me yet, I feel as thought I have a better understanding now. I feel like I've found common ground with some of the people here too, especially Denise who I have had long conversations with and a few good laughs. It's nice to have that every once in a while. And I'm getting to be a part of Kyle's life, thought he says I'm seeing a biased picture of what his life is like here. Even if that is true, which I'm sure a part of it is, I'm glad I know more about this place. I'm glad I can be a part of Kyle's life here.

I suppose in the words of Furuba, "I feel so grateful!"


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