Thursday, July 29, 2010

No Time

So besides school, work, and more school, I have been doing...absolutely nothing. I lie, I have been trying to hang out with Kyle (who is finally back from Russia!!) as much as I can, which is proving difficult, as I have been swamped with homework and projects. I suppose I bit off more than I could chew this summer while attempting to be productive and get ahead in school. But in actuality, work sas taken my attention away from studying and I have fallen short of my usual "good" study habits. Which is why I will probably not get an A in econ or illustrator. Which sucks and it is my fault for being retarded. But at least I learned to use illustrator (though I could use more practice with it...and photoshop for that matter.) and designed some stuff for my portfolio. And at least I got through microeconomics and was introduced to the boring subject matter that will occupy my brain (that is, if I choose to minor in business econ after all...) for the next two years. So these two classes weren't for nothing...

In other news, I am quite happy that Kyle is finally back at long last from his research trip in Russia! He arrived sunday and I have seen him almost everyday since. He brought me lunch today for the first time ever (in college anyway :P) at school after my final critique for illustrator and I ate on the grass with him for the first time at Miracosta! My first and (hopefully) last time eating on Miracosta grass was with Kyle...something I had wanted for a long time. I can't believe my time there has come to an end...

But anyways...after, I attempted to complete my final econ test (which I should be working on right now), but failed and went to visit Kyle at work :P...I went to dinner tonight also (hadn't done that in a while) with my mom, Soheila, and Shoka which was pretty chill. Hopefully I can hang out with everyone before they leave for college! I don't leave for Davis until around the 15th of September, so I'll be in here in SD for a while all by my lonesome.

Hopefully things will settle down in my life, just for a while.


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