Sunday, September 12, 2010

Genoptix, Inc.

So for this past summer I worked for a biotech company called Genoptix, Inc., the company of a good family friend. I took on clerical work for the majority of my time there, which was alright most of the time...however, I also worked on some designs for them! I actually got to sit in my cubicle and work in illustrator and photoshop for a couple of days doing different event posters and designs :) which often proved difficult. Though I love art and design, I have wrangled with the idea of me not being the best at it because I lack a strong ability to draw. But recently, with some advice from good friends and artists, I have more confidence to pursue design and see where it takes me! Here are some of the things I created for Genoptix:

I still need ALOT of work with typography and other areas, but I hope I can learn to be a better designer through my classes at UC Davis and of course, more experience!

And speaking of, I am quite excited for my big move (taking place early tomorrow morning) to northern california! Spending some time in San Francisco, the loveliest city on earth, and various places throughout CA will help kick off a new adventure for me outside of San Diego.

So I'm off to Norcal!

-Pretty Pidjun